BioCycle Joins On As a Municipal Measurement Program (MMP) Data Verifier

The Municipal Measurement Program (MMP) Team at Re-TRAC Connect has some exciting news to share! We have added a new data verifier to assist with food and yard waste data verification!
As the need for quality data increases, so does the need for industry experts to assess and verify the data. With that in mind, we are pleased to welcome BioCycle as they join The Recycling Partnership in the 2021 MMP data verification process.
So, what does this mean for you and your MMP data?
With BioCycle joining the MMP verification team, it means that your food and yard waste MMP data will be reviewed and verified by the industry-leading authority on composting, organics recycling, anaerobic digestion, and biogas. A BioCycle representative will assess your food and yard waste data in the MMP and may contact you if there are questions or concerns with the data collected.
Once your organics data is verified, The Recycling Partnership will continue with the final stage of data verification. This two-step verification process will ensure that the data collected via the MMP is of the highest quality. High-quality data means that states, counties, and industry organizations that have access to the data can make meaningful, data-driven decisions related to waste management and recycling programs in their jurisdiction.
If you have not yet completed your 2021 MMP forms, click here to access your MMP!
Please reach out to if you have any questions about the new MMP verification process.
Thank you for your contribution to the MMP!