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A Comprehensive Solution for Recycling Plastic Bags & Wraps in Your Community

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Guest author: Shari Jackson, Director, ACC’s Flexible Film Recycling Group

As recycling professionals, it’s our job to make sure we help our communities recycle as much as possible. One area of recycling that’s growing rapidly (it’s increased 79% since 2005!) is the recycling of polyethylene (PE) plastic bags, wraps and film packaging – collectively referred to as plastic film. However, not everyone knows how to recycle plastic film. When recycled curbside, plastic film ends up at a material recovery facility (MRF) where it can clog the sorting machinery, oftentimes requiring facility shut-downs to remove the material. Communities need fully operational MRFs, and damaged machinery or facility shut-downs can negatively affect a MRF’s bottom line.

What does it take to become a RecycleMania Champion?

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Every year, hundreds of colleges and universities across North America compete in the RecycleMania tournament where they are ranked based on per capita recycling, recycling as a percentage of total waste, and least amount of combined trash and recycling generated. Working with RecycleMania, we analyzed the 2015/2016 participant school profile surveys to identify common characteristics among top performing schools. To facilitate our research, we defined “top performing schools” as colleges and universities that ranked in the top ten for at least one category in three consecutive years: 2013, 2014, and 2015. Our analysis compared survey responses from top performing schools to responses from all participants to draw conclusions about what top-ranked schools do differently.

Help us improve your Re-TRAC Connect experience

Blog post graphic - Help us improve your Re-TRAC Connect experience

This is your chance to describe how your Re-TRAC Connect experience can be improved. It’s also an opportunity to tell us which Re-TRAC features you value most, share insights about how existing features can be enhanced, and introduce new feature ideas for us to consider in the future.

We understand the impact that software design can have on user experience (UX). Our software should be practical, intuitive, and enjoyable to use. Recognizing these fundamental expectations, we recently kicked off a new project that aims to improve the Re-TRAC Connect experience.

New Features – September 2016

Tracker and Tracker Light

Make “Activity/Process” a required field
Click the “Require Activity?” checkbox in your template configuration page to make “Activity/Process” a required field. This will ensure the activity//process is selected for each material before the transaction can be saved.

In Focus: London Drugs – A Beacon for Sustainability in the Retail Industry

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London Drugs is a privately-owned chain of retail stores in Western Canada. Founded in 1945 as a small drugstore in the heart of Vancouver, British Columbia, London Drugs now serves over 45 million customers each year. It continues to operate as a pharmacy but also offers cosmetics, electronics, housewares, grocery items, a photo lab, and a full-service computer department. While the retail chain has been recycling since the 80’s, its sustainability journey really took off in 2008 with the launch of its award-winning ‘What’s the green deal?’ program.

The Rise of Recycling Ordinances

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An increasing number of local governments in the U.S. are implementing mandatory recycling ordinances that target commercial and/or multifamily properties, and can also extend to institutions and C&D projects. We researched local government recycling ordinances implemented across the United States since 1989 to look for trends in the data. Since 2005, mandatory recycling ordinances have tripled in the U.S. They are viewed as an effective tool to increase diversion from the Industrial, Commercial, Institutional sector and help municipalities achieve zero waste goals.

The 2016 Resource Recycling Conference

Resource Recycling Conference 2016

We’re counting down the days to the Resource Recycling Conference and always look forward to connecting with Re-TRAC users from across North America. Don’t miss this premier recycling industry event and make sure to visit us at the Re-TRAC Connect booth (#207/209).

Register today

The Steve Thompson Memorial Grant

Steve Thompson was a caring, thoughtful man and a committed recycling champion who worked hard to move the industry forward. In honor of his tremendous contribution and to continue his work, a grant has been established to support the attendance of five inspired recyclers at the Resource Recycling Conference in New Orleans this August.

Applications for the Steve Thompson Memorial Grant are now closed..