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Enhanced Tracker Reports

Enhanced Tracker Reports
If you were eager to begin tracking 2016 recycling & waste data, you may have already noticed that we introduced our enhanced Tracker reports this month. The new reports, available in Tracker and Tracker Light, can be accessed by clicking the links in the side bar. We encourage you to log in to begin generating these new and improved reports.

The Reign of Recycling Rebuttals


A month ago, an opinion article questioning the merits of recycling was published in the New York Times. The response from the recycling community has been swift and decisive. In addition to a general sense of outrage that has inspired many passionate conversations, a lot of organizations have written articulate and effective rebuttals that lay waste to the inaccuracies and flawed logic on which the author bases his claims.

While it’s unfortunate that we have to defend the industry from such spurious attacks, it’s been great to see the strength of the community’s response. And perhaps the discussion that has been generated will help more people learn the truth about recycling and gain a new appreciation for the importance of diverting waste from the landfill.

We have assembled a collection of some our favorite rebuttals.

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New Features – November 2015

Overall System

Bringing New Features to the Table
We have introduced a new style of tables to Re-TRAC Connect. The new tables include a search feature so you can easily find the data you’re looking for. You can also click any column header to sort your data in ascending or descending order.

New Tables

New Features – October 2015

Overall System

Pair with Existing User
Program Managers Only
Program Managers can now use the Register feature to pair a new organization with an existing user. Quickly select from a list of users already approved into the program, directory, or tool. This feature is especially useful when a member of your program reports on behalf of multiple organizations.

Pair with existing user

Managing and Transforming Waste Streams – A Tool for Communities

Managing and Transforming Waste Streams Tool

  • Is your community adopting a new diversion goal but don’t know how to determine the number?
  • Are you considering a mandatory organics recycling subscription for households but aren’t sure if you should include businesses as well?
  • Have you wanted to develop a network of local businesses to repair, refurbish, and market used products but don’t know where to start?

  • Read more

    Back to School: Learning how to be green – it’s easy!

    Back to school
    The smell of fallen leaves, sharpened pencils, and bagged lunches is in the air and that can mean only one thing – it’s BACK TO SCHOOL TIME!

    All across North America, parents, students, and educators are getting ready for another year of learning the all-important “3Rs”: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! We’re here to help you start the year off right with eco-conscious back to school tips and tricks!

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