Emails vs. Blog: Which is best?
At Re-TRAC Connect, when we encounter a challenge we typically:
1) Learn about the issue
2) Reflect on past issues to seek similar solutions
3) Brainstorm possible solutions based on all known criteria
4) Propose solution and come to an agreement with everyone involved
5) Implement
6) Schedule a future evaluation
The Re-TRAC Connect Blog is our solution to conquer the following challenge:
What to expect with the Re-TRAC Connect Blog
You may have noticed that I love acronyms (see our Holiday Video). In addition to alliteration and acronyms, our posts will follow these principles:
Better: As individuals, a company, and society, we strive to improve. Our content will focus on improving methods used to collect and analyze data, sharing tips to live more sustainably, and providing innovative solutions.
Lasting: There are no “quick-fixes”. Our content will be relevant not only today, but tomorrow, and next year. We’ll write in the moment, but with an eye on the future.
Open: We approach our software development with an open mind. There is more than one way to solve a puzzle, and some of our best solutions have been the result of open dialogue and a willingness to listen.
Gracious: The Carolina Recycling Conference was held in Myrtle Beach, SC this year. The litter-free beach reminds us that we are fortunate enough to be developing software that improves our world.
Will I still get the Monthly Update emails?
Yes – once a month we will inform you of new features, training sessions, and upcoming conferences. The Re-TRAC Connect blog gives you the opportunity to read content that interests you at your leisure.
Is the blog just for Re-TRAC Connect users?
Absolutely not! Please share our posts with your colleagues via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email by clicking the appropriate icon below every post.