The MMP Has Officially Arrived!
We're very excited to announce the official launch of the Municipal Measurement Program (MMP)! The goal of the MMP is to harmonize the measurement of material management programs and to provide municipalities with decision-making tools that can improve recycling program performance.
What is the MMP?
The Municipal Measurement Program is a free Program Assessment and Planning Tool that delivers insights and actionable recommendations to municipal waste management agencies. By completing the program assessment surveys, municipalities can generate a range of performance, benchmarking, and recommendation reports.
Why is the MMP so important?
Municipalities face a variety of challenges when it comes to reducing the amount of waste their communities produce. Program managers rarely have enough time or money to properly measure the progress they are making toward achieving their diversion goals. Tracking important performance metrics and researching program improvement options can also be challenging. Without efficient access to reliable program performance reports, municipal staff can struggle to identify the best course of action to improve recycling.
So what can municipalities do to overcome these challenges and improve their waste & recycling programs? Join the MMP!
Who should join the MMP?
All municipalities in the U.S. and Canada should join the MMP to gain access to analytical reports designed to measure waste diversion performance and improve programs.
What are the benefits of participation?
By completing the program assessment surveys, participating municipalities can generate reports to measure program performance and discover opportunities to improve waste and recycling programs. The MMP uses standardized terminology ensuring that municipalities can benchmark performance metrics against national averages. The program also simplifies data management by centralizing all municipal waste and recycling program information.
Annual Tons Per Program
Measure the total tons of recycling, MSW, and organics captured by your residential programs.
Diversion Rate
Calculate your diversion rate including the total tons of material diverted and disposed in your municipality.
Benchmark Pounds Per Household
Compare your municipality’s per household recycling performance to the national average.
Pounds Per Household
Analyze your municipality’s per household waste, recycling, and organics generation and capture rates.
Economic Benefits
Calculate the economic impact of your recycling programs by converting tonnage information into insights about estimated job creation, attributable wages, and tax revenue.
Program Recommendations
Discover opportunities to grow your programs by learning about industry-developed tools and resources.
Who manages the MMP?
The MMP is designed and delivered by The Recycling Partnership and Re-TRAC Connect to provide municipalities with a robust and accessible materials management program analysis and planning tool. It was also designed, with industry assistance, to standardize terminology and harmonize methodologies in support of consistent measurement across the U.S. and Canada.
How can municipalities participate?
Municipal program managers can harness the power of municipal data by participating in this free program assessment and planning tool today. Participating municipalities now have an efficient way to measure program performance, benchmark results, improve municipal programs, and compare year-over-year performance.
At this time, only municipalities in the U.S. and Canada will be accepted.